Da li je Granules India dividenda sigurna?
Granules India povećava dividendu već 1 godina.
U poslednjih 10 godina, Granules India je ovo povećao/la za 15,665 % godišnje povećana.
Na petogodišnjem nivou porastao isplata je povećana za 8,447 %.
Analitičari očekuju za tekuću poslovnu godinu rast od Povećanje dividendi% na 7,204%.
Granules India Aktienanalyse
Шта ради Granules India?
Granules India Ltd is a registered company in Hyderabad, India, specializing in the manufacturing of pharmaceutical active ingredients and formulations, product development, biotechnology research, and diagnostics. The company was established in 1984 and has become one of the leading suppliers of pharmaceutical active ingredients.
The origins of Granules India Ltd began as a small company with only a few employees. In 1991, the company started production of Allantoin, a cosmetic active ingredient. Over the years, the company steadily grew and expanded its production capacities. In 1995, Granules India Ltd began manufacturing pharmaceutical active ingredients as part of its business.
In the late 90s, the company expanded into other countries to distribute its products worldwide. Today, the main markets for Granules India Ltd are India, North America, Europe, and Asia. The company also has distribution offices in the USA, Europe, and Asia.
Granules India Ltd has divided its business model into three main sectors:
1. Pharmaceutical Active Ingredients (APIs) - Granules India Ltd specializes in the manufacturing of pharmaceutical active ingredients used in drug production. The company produces a wide range of APIs, including Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Metformin, and more.
2. Formulations - Granules India Ltd also produces various pharmaceutical formulations such as tablets, capsules, suspensions, and more. The company is able to develop and manufacture customized formulations according to customer requirements.
3. Biologics - In recent years, the company has also invested in biotechnology research, particularly in the development and manufacturing processes of biologics such as antibody drugs. The field of diagnostics is also covered.
Granules India Ltd has established a strong position as a manufacturer of pharmaceutical active ingredients in recent years. The company supplies many of the major pharmaceutical companies worldwide. It has six production facilities in India that manufacture pharmaceutical active ingredients and formulations. The company also supplies to other manufacturers to support their production processes.
In terms of products, Granules India Ltd offers a wide range of pharmaceutical active ingredients and formulations, all manufactured to the highest quality and in compliance with international standards. Some of the company's most well-known products are Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Metformin, and Tramadol, used in pain management. The wide range of formulations includes tablets, capsules, suspensions, and more, used in various therapy areas such as cardiology, oncology, neurology, and infectious diseases.
Overall, Granules India Ltd has achieved a leading position in the market for pharmaceutical active ingredients and formulations. The company has invested in research and development in recent years to expand its product range and provide customized solutions. Granules India Ltd remains committed to meeting the high standards in the pharmaceutical industry and developing innovative products to meet the needs of its customers. Granules India je jedna od najpopularnijih kompanija na Eulerpool.com.Plansovi za štednju u akcijama nude atraktivnu mogućnost za investitore da dugoročno izgrade bogatstvo. Jedna od glavnih prednosti je takozvani efekat prosečne cene: investiranjem redovnog fiksnog iznosa u akcije ili fondove akcija, automatski se kupuju više deonica kada su cene niske i manje kada su visoke. To može dovesti do povoljnijeg prosečnog cena po deonici tokom vremena. Pored toga, plansovi za štednju u akcijama omogućuju čak i malim ulagačima pristup skupim akcijama, pošto je moguće učestvovati već sa malim iznosima. Redovno investiranje takođe podstiče disciplinovanu strategiju ulaganja i pomaže da se izbegnu emocionalne odluke, kao što su impulsivno kupovanje ili prodaja. Osim toga, investitori profitiraju od potencijalnog povećanja vrednosti akcija kao i od isplata dividendi, koje se mogu reinvestirati, što pojačava efekat kamate na kamatu i time rast investiranog kapitala.